Behavior Intervention Support Team (B.I.S.T.)

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What is B.I.S.T.?

bistB.I.S.T. is a school-wide behavior management plan that increases student learning time, stops disruptive/hurtful behavior, and teaches skills that will lead to life success.

B.I.S.T. helps students work on these life goals:

  • I can take good care of myself, even if I am mad
  • I can be okay when others are not okay
  • I can be productive and follow directions even if I don’t want to

Adams staff will partner with your child to develop skills to reach these goals:

  • It is never okay to be disruptive
  • It is never okay to be hurtful

B.I.S.T. Sounds

When you visit Adams, you might hear adults say to students:

  • Can you stop talking even though you don’t want to?
  • Can you be okay even though others aren’t okay?
  • Can you do your work even though you are mad?
  • How can you be mad and not get in trouble?
  • I don’t want you to be in trouble. I just want to help you look at yourself so you can change.
  • It’s okay to have a problem, but it’s not okay to be stuck in the problem.

5 Steps to Accountability

Staff will work with your child to own the behavior, plan to change it, and accept the support from adults.

  • I did it.
  • I’m sorry
  • It’s a problem in my life
  • I accept the consequences
  • I accept help

Please Partner With Us!

For your child to learn, perform, and behave at grade level or above, your child needs to behave well in school. This means trying to never be hurtful or disruptive. If you child is hurtful or disruptive, we will follow the B.I.S.T. procedure. If your child’s teacher’s talks to you about his/her behavior, please partner with us!

  • Help us build and then support a behavior plan
  • Talk to us and ask us questions to clarify the plan
  • Encourage your child to let adults be in charge of his/her life
  • Show your child how strong the school, teacher, family partnership is!

B.I.S.T. Vocabulary

Early Intervention is when an adult provides one redirection for disruptive behavior

Caring Confrontation is how an adult provides the one redirection with consistent language as well as non-punitive actions and intent.

Safe Seat is a designated seat in the student’s regular classroom intended to provide a safe place where the disruptive behavior can stop. The student is not in trouble. The safe seat provides a place to keep the student out of trouble. A student can place him/herself in the safe seat as well as being assigned by an adult.

Think Sheet is a form to help students reflect on how to change their disruptive or hurtful behavior.

Processing is the discussion between the adult and the student to develop a plan to be accountable for and change disruptive/hurtful behavior.

Buddy Room is a safe seat in another classroom when a student needs an alternative safe seat for a variety of reasons

Recovery is the assignment to a safe seat or buddy room for an extended period of time for students who are having difficulty changing their disruptive or hurtful behavior.

Protective Plan is what the schools develop together to provide the structure and support to stop the student’s disruptive behavior and to teach the student needed missing skills.